Friday, September 21, 2012

Antelope Island, New Life Bird and More

Serendipity, I came to Antelope Island to look for an Oven Bird and White-throated Sparrow that were reported this last week. I did not find those target birds but was thrilled to see my first ever Flammulated Owl thanks to photographer Jack Binch. I had added the Flammulated Owl to my life list a few years ago because on an "Owl Prowl" during the Great Salt Lake Bird Festival a few years ago we did hear one. Now I feel much better about it on my list because now I have actually seen one. Thanks Jack for pointing it out to me. Certainly the highlight of the day.
American Avocets at the Causeway 
Ring-billed Gulls 
Ring-billed Gulls dining at the causeway.
California Gull a Brine Fly feast
Common Raven
Western Meadowlark 
Burrowing Owls
Just before seeing these Burrowing Owls I stopped at the Visitors Center to look for Rock Wrens that are always on the rocks at the rear of the Visitors Center. While changing my lenses I dropped my 300 zoom. It still focuses and take pictures however it will not zoom. so the pictures on this post from here on were taken at 75mm. Guess I better saving my pennies for a new lens. 
Bison were plentiful today
This Coyote was kind enough to pose for me and stay close so I could get several pictures before he had had enough and took off.
I saw several Coyotes today but only this one was close enough to photograph.
Sunflowers and Rabbitbrush were beautiful
Red-tailed Hawk just one of many I saw on the road to the ranch
Another Red-tail
This group of cows and calves took their sweet time crossing the road and I didn't rush them.
I took this though my windshield 
White-crowned Sparrows were abundant over the whole island but I never did see the White-throated Sparrow
Another shot of the Flammulated Owl
Pronghorn Family
Hermit Thrush were everywhere at the Ranch
Pronghorn Doe
Pronghorn and her sister wives
Eared Grebes the one in the center still showing a lot of breeding plumage

Here is a list of birds and more seen today
American Avocet
Black-necked Stilt
California Gull
Ring-billed Gull
Northern Shoveler
Eared Grebe
Brewer's Blackbird
Barn Swallow
Common Raven
Franklin's Gull
Western Meadow Lark
Loggerhead Shrike
Rock Wren
Black-billed Magpie
Burrowing Owl
Red-tailed Hawk
Wilson's Warbler
Cassin's Vireo
Ruby-crowned Kinglet
Song Sparrow
Spotted Towhee
Hermit Thrush
Northern Flicker
Oregon Dark-eyed Junco
Empid Flycatchers
Yellow-rumped Warbler
American Redstart
Western Sandpipers and other Peeps, I forgot my scope so today they were just peeps
Long-billed Curlew
California Quail
Other animals

1 comment:

  1. Flammulated Owl is a great sighting. I've found two dead ones, (killed by Great-horned Owls) and I have heard one calling. No sightings unfortunately. I usually dont count heard birds. I have seen White-throated Sparrow in AZ. and Ovenbird in Costa Rica. Too bad about your lens.
