American Avocets at the Causeway |
Ring-billed Gulls |
Ring-billed Gulls dining at the causeway. |
California Gull a Brine Fly feast |
Common Raven |
Western Meadowlark |
Bison were plentiful today |
This Coyote was kind enough to pose for me and stay close so I could get several pictures before he had had enough and took off. |
I saw several Coyotes today but only this one was close enough to photograph. |
Sunflowers and Rabbitbrush were beautiful |
Red-tailed Hawk just one of many I saw on the road to the ranch |
Another Red-tail |
This group of cows and calves took their sweet time crossing the road and I didn't rush them. |
I took this though my windshield |
White-crowned Sparrows were abundant over the whole island but I never did see the White-throated Sparrow |
Another shot of the Flammulated Owl |
Pronghorn Family |
Hermit Thrush were everywhere at the Ranch |
Pronghorn Doe |
Pronghorn and her sister wives |
Eared Grebes the one in the center still showing a lot of breeding plumage |
Here is a list of birds and more seen today
American Avocet
Black-necked Stilt
California Gull
Ring-billed Gull
Northern Shoveler
Eared Grebe
Brewer's Blackbird
Barn Swallow
Common Raven
Franklin's Gull
Western Meadow Lark
Loggerhead Shrike
Rock Wren
Black-billed Magpie
Burrowing Owl
Red-tailed Hawk
Wilson's Warbler
Cassin's Vireo
Ruby-crowned Kinglet
Song Sparrow
Spotted Towhee
Hermit Thrush
Northern Flicker
Oregon Dark-eyed Junco
Empid Flycatchers
Yellow-rumped Warbler
American Redstart
Western Sandpipers and other Peeps, I forgot my scope so today they were just peeps
Long-billed Curlew
California Quail
Other animals
Flammulated Owl is a great sighting. I've found two dead ones, (killed by Great-horned Owls) and I have heard one calling. No sightings unfortunately. I usually dont count heard birds. I have seen White-throated Sparrow in AZ. and Ovenbird in Costa Rica. Too bad about your lens.