The Great Egret that has been hanging around this winter is still there |
Great Egret
Great Blue Heron
The Great Blue Herons are nesting now. |
White-crowned Sparrow
Song Sparrow
American Avocet
Red-wing Blackbird
American Robin
Marsh Wren
American White Pelican
American Kestrel
Canada Goose
Northern Shoveler
Cinnamon Teal
Green-wing Teal
American Coot
Eurasian Collared Dove
Pied-billed Grebe
Red-tail Hawk
Northern Harrier
Sandhill Crane
European Starling
Black-billed Magpie
California Gull
American Wigeon
This Morning I took a drive up to Ogden and Bues pond to see the Mandarine Duck that was reported. Though Mandarine Ducks cannot be counted because they are not established in Utah and are most assuredly result of escaped pets they are becoming more common. I did see it but unfortunately he wasn't in the mood to have his picture taken, and I was unable to get closer that about 75 yards. He is hanging out with the Wood Ducks and even seemed have a female companion.
Birds seen at Bues pond were:
Wood Duck
Mandarine Duck
Belted Kingfisher
House Finch
Black-capped Chickadee
It was good to get out and I will make a point over the next couple of months to get out more often.
Eurasian Collared Doves made it into the southwest after I moved to Alaska. Somehow I have never managed to see one. Great photos, and list of birds. I guess you will be getting a lot more soon.