Red-tailed Hawk, I felt very fortunate to have gotten this picture one of my over all favorites. |
I have hundreds of Bald Eagle photos but this one is probably the best. |
Northern Harriers are the most abundant hawk at Farmington Bay in the winter months |
New Years day 2007 we saw 9 Short-eared Owls |
I have seen Great Horned Owls at Farmington Bay but unable to photograph any of them. The only Great Horned Owls I have photographed were at the ranch at Antelope Island |
While I have seen many Prairie Falcons at Farmington Bay this is the only one I was able to photograph. I took this picture in 2007. |
I have taken a lot of photos of Red-tailed Hawks this is the only breeding adult I have photographed. |
I think the Northern Rough-legged Hawk is the most beautifully marked of all the buteos. |
Great photos, especially that Kestrel.