Sunday, February 13, 2011

My Happy Place Part 2 More Pictures of Farmington Bay

When I set out to take pictures of Farmington Bay for the slideshow, I wanted to get pictures of birds, the landscape and plants and all seasons of the year. It took three years thousands of pictures and a lot of patience. Here are some more of those pictures.

Loggerhead Shrike
Beaver House
Spillway Farmington Creek
Eurasian Collared Dove, five years ago I had never seen one, now they are quite common.
One of the cub scouts watching waterfowl from the deck of the nature center
This scout was picking cheatgrass out of his socks during a work project
Common Yellow-throat, one of the more difficult birds I have photographed
A dust-bow
The deck of the Nature Center
Gadwall in courtship flight
Green-winged Teal
Marsh Wren another difficult bird to photograph
Bulrush and Sunflowers
Common Goldeneye, Gadwall and Hooded Merganser
Western Meadowlark
Female American Kestrel
Black-necked Stilt

1 comment:

  1. Beautiful photography! Thanks for sharing your sweet pics. Keep it up bro Coleman!
