The Northern Harrier feeds primarily on mice, voles and small birds. It will, however, take larger prey, such as rabbits and ducks. It has been known to subdue large prey by drowning it. I watched one take a fish out of the water one time.
Female Description
Back dark brown, with many feathers edged with tawny. Face streaked brown and whitish. Face outlined by white facial disk. Chest and belly streaked tan. Rump white. Upper side of wings brown, lower side barred white and dark brown. Tail brown with dark bars.
- Most male Northern Harriers are mated to one or two females at the same time. Some males pair with up to five mates in a season. Females incubate the eggs and brood the offspring, while the male provides the bulk of the food for his mates and their nestlings.
Great harrier shots.