Tuesday, January 25, 2011

Can't Get Enough Wood Ducks

Saturday was a Utah weather day, one minute the sun was shining and pleasant the next snowing like crazy. We had to go to Ogden and Nery wanted me to show her the park where I took the Wood Duck pictures. Spencer and Rachel live a short distance from Beus Park so they met us there along with baby Jude to go for a walk. When we first got there the sun was shining, within a few minutes it was snowing hard and by the time we finished walking the sun was out again. I only took a hundred and fifty more Wood duck Pictures.

In the last two weeks I have taken pictures of Barrow's Goldeneye and Wood Ducks for the first time. As I look at these birds I can't help but think that God sometimes created some creatures not just to adapt to or blend into their environment but just because He wanted something pretty to look at. That I really think goes for all waterfowl because they come in so many shapes sizes and colors and some with such intricate markings that they are truly works of art and right there at the top is the beautiful Wood Duck.
Here are some pictures of our walk

Nery and Steve

Spencer, Rachel and Baby Jude

Northern Flicker

1 comment:

  1. Steve, This is Mel Hontanosas your friend from Bohol originally, and now Hawaii has been our home.

    Awesome works of Art Steve! I'm quite amazed of your collections.
    They are very unique and very interesting shots. Keep up the great work there buddy. Hope to see you next year when our daughter graduates from U of U.

    Take good care and ALOHA....
