Friday, October 1, 2010


 Several years ago on an October Sunday afternoon I was laying on the couch relaxing when I heard the unmistakable call of what sounded like hundreds of Sandhill Cranes. I jumped up and ran out to my front yard and looked up to see a group of 75 Sandhill flying over a few minutes later an other group then another flew over this went on for about 45 minutes until hundreds of birds had flown over, undoubtedly on their way to wintering grounds. It was one of the most spectacular things I had ever seen.
 The following October I was invited to guide some teachers during a training at Bear River Bird Refuge and saw not hundreds but thousands of Sandhills flying in huge groups again it was an amazing experience.

Everyone one I know is thrilled at the sound of the Sandhill Crane's call. I think it is one of the most exciting sounds in the world. But watching Sandhills in flight and on the ground is even better. In the spring when they are mating it is amazing to watch them do their wonderful Crane Dance. Sandhill Cranes are one of everyone's favorite birds. So in honor of their fall migration I have chosen the Sandhill Crane as Bird of the Month for October for my Blog.
The Sandhill Crane is tall, gray and rust colored with a red cap. It is a bird of open grasslands, meadows, and wetlands and congregates in huge numbers in migration.

Adult Description

  • Very large bird.
  • Long neck.
  • Long Legs.
  • Gray body, may be stained reddish.
  • Red forehead.
  • White cheek.
  • Tufted feathers over rump.

Immature Description

Similar to adult, but mottled gray and brown, and without facial markings or bald forehead.
The Sandhill Crane does not breed until it is two to seven years old. It can live up to 20 years of age. Mated pairs stay together year round, and migrate south as a group with their offspring. They Breed in open marshes or bogs, and in wet grasslands and meadows. Feed in marshes and grain fields.They eat mostly grains and seeds, some insects, other invertebrates, and small vertebrates.

1 comment:

  1. I love you blog, Steve! You've done an amazing job of capturing the moment. Of course, I am partial to FBWMA. I thoroughly enjoy seeing nature through your lens. Oh yeah.....Happy Birthday, Steve! ;)
