Friday, May 14, 2010

Nature Trail Dedication

Farmington Bay just dedicated phase II of the Great Salt Lake Nature Center, the new Nature Trail and it is a beauty. I attended the dedication this morning and here are a few pictures of the people that made it happen, the trail and the birds...

This Great-tailed Grackle seems to have appointed himself Monarch of the Nature Center, standing sentinel over the Nature Center parking lot
Song Sparrow

Pictures of the new trail

Yellow-headed Blackbird
American Coot
Canada Goose
Bullock's Oriole
American White Pelican
Snowy Egret
Eastern Kingbird
Brown-headed Cowbird
Yellow Warbler
White-faced Ibis
Red-winged Blackbird 
Cinnamon Teal


  1. How common are Eastern Kingbirds in the Salt Lake area? The boardwalk looks good.

  2. Hi Steve, Awesome pictures, I love birds too. Keep up the great shots with your Canon

  3. oh by the way Grammy is Debbie
