Saturday, April 30, 2011

May 2011 Bird of the Month American Robin

The Early Bird Gets the Worm, robins are often seen on lawns pulling worms out of the ground then taking them to their nest to feed their babies
Though theY were named after the European Robin for its rufous breast which is a flycatcher they are no relation. American robins are of the Thrush Family and are related to Bluebirds and other Thrushes. In fact the American Robin is more closely related to the Common Blackbird of Europe than the European Robin

Though Robin's main diet is worms and other invertebrates but during the winter Robins eat berries. In my yard they eat juniper berries during winter months
Robins are year round residents of Utah
In my opinion the American Robin is one of the most photogenic birds.

Starting in April, several hours before the sun rises you can hear the Robins singing, it is a sure sign spring has come
Robins can have three successful broods of chick a year.
The Male Robin has a much darker head and deeper red breast than the female with more pronounced eye ring

Female Robin

Saturday, April 23, 2011

More Spring Birding and other Nature at Farmington Bay

There is a family of Red Foxes that live about 75 yards off the Nature Trail at Farmington Bay I was able to take some pictures of the Kits playing this morning.
I took a walk around the Nature trail this morning with my brother Brian who is visiting with his family from Greeley Colorado. We were able to see quite a few birds and the foxes playing on their den. It was a lovely walk

My first White-faced Ibis of the year
Cinnamon Teal
Cinnamon Teal Drake
Mallard Drake
This male Red-winged Blackbird was singing his heart out for the ladies that were sitting in the tree across the road
The Female Red-winged Blackbirds seemed indifferent
Yellow-headed Blackbirds are the most willing of all the birds out at Farmington Bay to pose for their picture to be taken
I never tire of taking pictures of the Snowy Egrets

Nesting American Avocets on Glover Pond
Pied-billed Grebe
Clarks Grebe
Great Blue Herons another bird I never tire of photographing
American White Pelicans

Female American Robin, Robins are very common but I think one of the most photogenic of all birds
Song Sparrow
This Canada Goose has her nest just on the other side of the the canal that runs next to the Nature Trail

Saturday, April 16, 2011

Early Spring Birding at Farmington Bay

Great Blue Heron
Trying to be invisible this Canada Goose is setting her nest
Pair of Northern Shovelers
Gadwall Drake
American Avocets
Song Sparrow
Ring-necked Pheasant Rooster
Cinnamon Teal Drakes
Snowy Egret

Great Blue Heron
Odd Couple
I got excited yesterday I stopped at the Nature Center to look at the board where they write down birds seen for the month. Listed there was Cackling goose, so I set out to look for it because that would be a new life bird for me. I found this pair, clearly one goose is much smaller but consulting my field guides my opinion is that this is not a Cackling goose but a Lesser Canada Goose. A Cackling Goose has a much shorter neck and is even smaller than this goose. I welcome and would love any comments on this Goose.
Double Crested Cormorant Drying its wings
This is the most pronounced red mark I have ever seen on a Coots forehead
Western Grebe Pair
Canvasback Drake 
Double Crested Cormorant
Snowy Egrets were abundant and several were quite cooperative to have their pictures taken
This Great-tailed Grackle was quite vocal and let everyone know he was in charge.
Black-billed Magpie